Volunteer shifts are currently Saturdays and Sundays each week, and are scheduled in advance with our key volunteers. We welcome volunteering with a group or your family members (those under age 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian)! We recommend you keep track of your volunteer mileage, it may be tax-deductible; talk to your financial advisor.
Our physical volunteer jobs are related to caring for animals, landscaping, building and repair projects, leafy library additions, and general clean-up. These are physically demanding jobs so volunteers must be in good shape and not suffer from allergies to animals or hay, have low back pain or orthopedic medical issues.
If hands-on physical work is not a good fit for you, we have many opportunities for supporting Laughter & Hoofbeats through organizing, clerical type work, technical expertise, graphic design, special event, outreach and fundraising support.